Breaking the Silence: Addressing Domestic Violence with Safe Nest

In this compelling episode, Zandra Polard delves into the crucial topic of domestic violence with a representative from Safe Nest, the largest domestic abuse treatment center in Las Vegas. They explore the various facets of domestic violence, dispelling common misconceptions and shedding light on the diverse forms of abuse. The conversation touches on the intersectionality of domestic violence, its correlation with the summer heat, and the crucial role of isolation in abusive relationships. Safe Nest's commitment to comprehensive support is highlighted, from emergency shelter and counseling to an innovative entrepreneurship program empowering survivors to regain self-sufficiency. The episode also emphasizes the importance of education and prevention in ending the epidemic of domestic violence. Listeners gain insights into how Safe Nest is making a difference and discover avenues for support, including a dedicated hotline and opportunities for donations and volunteering.
Breaking the Silence: Addressing Domestic Violence with Safe Nest
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